
Change is as good as a Holiday !

I keep reminding myself I need to start blogging properly. No more posts every month or as I feel like it. So I have taken the first step. Changing the way my blog looks, while it may not be a very big change, and all people who use rss readers will notice a difference, I think it looks cool. I headed on over to
and got me this cool template. What you think.
More posts to come…I Promise ;)

2 replies on “Change is as good as a Holiday !”

I nearly fell over backwards when I saw you’d Actually Blogged Something today! :)

Welcome back to cyberspace. Now please stick around….

You don’t have to write everyday like a Dear Diary, I haven’t been here since July. LOL! Well I’ll try to be around at least once a week if not more. Nice template dear.

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