
South African developed iPhone Apps

For a full list of South African developed iPhone app, check out my South African iPhone apps directory ->

At the moment, there are 5 iPhone Apps (that I know of) that have developed in South Africa, by South African companies.
While there isn’t a huge demand yet in South Africa for locally developed iPhone apps, I think we may start seeing a huge growth with 4 out the 5 apps being launched this year. Keep your eyes on the iTunes store for some great new apps that should be released soon :)

Cramer Media’s Mining Weekly – A portal to a very popular South African site aimed at the Mining industry. This was SA’s first published iPhone app, which is quite popular in its niche.

MobiYze – An app developed by Durban company Immedia, developed for the very popular Gauteng radio station YFM. The app allows you to listen to a live streaming audio feed of the station, as well as view latest blog posts from the respective DJ’s

News24 – An app developed for South Africa’s busiest site – This app interacts with the whole site showing top stories, sports, motoring stories and loads more. Another cool feature allows you to locate a resturant closest to you and read reviews from the site. An awesome app with loads of cool features

MXit – South Africa’s popular instant messaging system, MXit is available on the iPhone. It is a pretty simple app, that allows you to chat to contacts as well as add. Great if you a MXit addict, unlike me :)

DStv Guide – The latest South African app to make its apperance in the iTunes store. The DSTV app allows you to select your favourite DSTV channels, and then get a 7 day TV guide on what is showing. Very basic app, but does the job.

If you know of any other apps, please leave a comment below, and I will gladly add them in.


Thanks to Nico (@nduplessis) there are another 2 apps I have missed:

– Developed by South African Mapping Giant AfriGIS, it is a sort of a Google Maps clone, but #failed when they showed me Black & White Satellite images of where I stay –

– Developed by Peter Pistorius, an app that shows you your tax calculations for the current tax year. Quite a handy app with a distinctive South African flavour (Can’t even get it in the US iTunes store)

Posted via email from Marc’s posterous

12 replies on “South African developed iPhone Apps”

These apps are great! Really appreciate having apps that apply to us fellow SA’s, could you please also add an application to listen to 5FM? That would be great!!
Thank you!

Also have a look at Beta app for iPhone will be available very soon. I’m testing the beta client for it at the moment! I see big potential for this.

Guys, why don’t you try the Powertime iPhone App to purchase prepaid electricity. Proudly South African App and one that is truly useful…

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