
Golfers Info iPhone App

IconA little while ago I did a post on South African Developed iPhone Apps. I haven’t seen many other new apps make their appearance until Shaun tweeted this morning that his Golfers Info iPhone app had been approved by Apple. Knowing Shaun personally from work, this is a fantastic achievement.

The Golfers Info web app was released a couple of weeks ago, and was chosen as a staff pick on the Apple Web apps. And then this morning, Shaun got the magic mail from Apple to say his app had been approved into the app store.

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The is a simple little app that integrates with the Golfers Information Website, also originally developed by Shaun. The iPhone app allows you to view reviews of golf courses around South Africa, as well as catch up with the golfing news from around the world

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A very cool feautre of the Golfers Info iPhone app is that it allows you to view golf courses near you, using your current location, perfect if you are away on a holiday, and want to hit a couple of balls As you can see in the screenshot below, it shows me a whole bunch of courses that are close to me.

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You can also catch up with all the Pro Golfers comings and goings, via a dedicated Twitter stream inside the app as well.

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All in all a well rounded app, that will make life a whole lot easier for those bigwigs, that make their crucial business decisions on the golf course :)

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