
Win a copy of SimplyTweet

The guys over at Simply Tweet have released their updated version on this awesome app. You will remember a while ago, I did a quick look at Simply Tweet and version 2.3 has really upped the stakes in the iPhone twitter app market.
For me the biggest selling point for this app is the push notifications you get whenever you get a Direct Message or @Reply in your twitter stream. The notification is instant, so you always know whats happening on your twitter stream .I also love that it I can use Posterous for my Picture hosting, as this allows me to upload to all my other services instantly. Another great feature for me, is when you send a DM, even if it over 140 characters it will spilt the DM up into separate DM’s. All in all this is THE best iPhone Twitter client.

The dev are also fantastic and listen to your requests. Just after I first downloaded it I asked, on twitter,  about possibly changing the date format, and I can happily say, this was implemented in the 2.3 release. for updates on whats happening with SimplyTweet you can follow the dev team on twitter at @SimplyTweet.

Here are some of the awesome features of SimplyTweet:

  • Push notification support for Direct Messages and Mentions, showing new messages in the application badge
  • Configurable push notification sounds
  • Themes
  • Saved views (create groups of friends, etc)
  • Photos search
  • Saved notes for accounts
  • Multiple accounts support, with quick switch support
  • HootSuite integration: importing of Twitter accounts from HootSuite
  • Support for updating user profiles from within SimplyTweet, including profile picture
  • Bookmarklet Support
  • Landscape drafting mode (both Tweets and DM)
  • Landscape view for builtin web browser
  • Tweetshrink support (both tweets and DM)
  • URL shortening
  • Send direct messages longer than 140 characters
  • Unread tweet indicators for all themes
  • Instapaper Support
  • Posterous Support (multiple photos and video upload) with hashtags converted to Posterous tags
  • TwitPic support (multiple photos)
  • yfrog support (multiple photos and video upload)
  • support (multiple photos)
  • TwitrPix support (multiple photos)
  • TwitVid support (video upload)
  • Browse conversations – display the reply chain of a message all in 1 screen
  • Browse conversations between you and another person – display the tweets between you all in 2 screen
  • Bigger text option

Some of the cool new features to be added in Version 2.3 include:

  • UI changes across every theme, including re-arranging the account view
  • Every theme now has (the same) unread indicator
  • Re-arranged settings in Settings app
  • Various screens, including contact pickers, followers/friends lists and tweet/DM drafting views now has a dark background when using Twilight theme
  • Miles instead of km will be used in proximity search if your system-wide setting is as such
  • Better push handling – upon startup, if there is an application badge, meaning there was a push previously and SimplyTweet was not launched), the mentions and DM timelines will be autoloaded
  • Support for
  • You can now configure a sound to play when you receive a push
  • You can configure a sound to play upon sending a tweet/DM
  • You can now send DMs longer than 140 characters. They get broken up into shorter DMs in reverse order so it reads nicely anywhere. And in SimplyTweet, it tries to concat them together into a long DM. Try it!
  • (Posterous) links now display inline if it is short enough.
  • Add support for TwitLonger viewing, similar to inline view for links
  • Updated icons
  • Favorited tweets are now indicated in timelines
  • When you add a link to Instapaper, the tweet text is now set as the summary
  • You can now delete attachments while drafting a tweet/DM. Hint: press the cancel button

These are just some of the changes and cool features in this fantastic app. The app is $4.99 in the app store and is well worth the price. You can buy it from the app store here. If you want some more info on SimplyTweet, be sure to check out


Now for the fun part, the Dev team at MobtionObj have kindly sponsored 3 promo codes for the SimplyTweet app, and you can get a FREE copy of this app, by simply leaving a comment below on this post. The competition will close on Wednesday 23 September 5pm SAST.Winners will be chosen randomly using The codes are ONLY valid in the US iTunes App store (To get a US iTunes account follow the steps here

If you would really like to show some support, and help increase your chances of winning, spread the word by tweeting the following message as well :)

Win a copy of SimplyTweet by leaving a comment on @MarcForrest blog -> Please RT

25 replies on “Win a copy of SimplyTweet”

I’ve tried a stack of Twitter clients already and none seem to quite fit my needs, each has something the other doesn’t. Simplytweet looks like it could be the one that could do that I want. I’ve been holding off and reading reviews and following their updates on Twitter and v2.3 really looks to have jumped ahead of the crowd.
Question (can’t see if you can or can’t from all reviews): Can you post a tweet without loading your timeline? By this I mean, all I want to do is update my status and then read stuff later on – similar to what qStatus does. Possible?

Would be nice to upgrade from the light version…. Went through like 4 different twitter apps and this def surpasses them all!!

Thanks for all the cool iPhone updates, SimplyTweet looks really nice. I would really love to have this as my client of choice.

Always nice to have an app that gives you all you want and more! Nice work dev! Keep up the great work on such a great product!

Being a huge Tweetie fan, I’m yet to be convinced that SimplyTweet is the best iPhone Twitter app. It converted Marc, could I be able to say the same thing? Someday…I hope :P

So after updating to 3.1 today (yes i used to jailbreak) but this will not happen any more, i decided to try out simplytweet lite after using most of the iphone twitter clients out there.

so far i think simplytweet ranks up quite high. the interface is clean, easy to use and lets you see your tweets rather fast.

overall 8 / 10

By far the slickest looking Twitter client, even better than most desktop ones too !! LOL !! Roll on 5pm.

Thanks to everyone who entred. Muchos appreciated.
Thanks to, the following people were selected:

Andrew Crawford

Well done chaps. Stay tuned for more giveaways soon :)

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