iPhone GPS App

XDrive & Mix Mobile

A couple of weeks ago I got an email from the guys at Mix Telematics letting me know about a new South African iPhone app they had developed, called Mix Mobile. Essentially what the app does, is that it allows you to connect to an XDrive device in your car, and then allows you to track various aspects of the vehicle. The XDrive unit is a simple GSM/GPS device which connects to your car’s battery, and tracks the vehicle’s movements. These alerts can be sent to you via email or SMS, and the awesome thing about the product is that there is no Monthly subscription fee. Everything is based on a Pre Paid system, and you buy credits through the XDrive website.

You can log into the XDrive website, or into the iPhone app, which allows you to see the current location of the car, you can also follow the car. You can also set up alerts through the website to detect Impact Detection, Over Speeding, Low Battery, Harsh Braking as well as specified Acceleration.

Some of the other features of the device are:

  • Real-time Vehicle Tracking
  • Historic Trip Replay
  • Movement Reports
  • SMS & Email Event Notifications
  • Cell Phone Location Requests
  • Street / Google Satellite mapping
  • Remote Panic Button
  • Automatic Theft Detect
  • Geofencing
  • Impact detect
  • Harsh braking and acceleration
  • Simple and Non-invasive Installation
  • >Voice Prompts
  • Backup Battery
  • Task Scheduling
  • The iPhone app is really simple to use, and you can control all the features from the app, as well as an up to date status on the vehicle.

    I received a test unit yesterday, from the chaps at Mix Telematics, and installed it in about 10 minutes. The installation is really simple, and you only need to connect 2 wires. Once the unit has been installed and secured, it goes through a simple self install routine, and downloads the latest firmware over the air. The unit has a sim card built into it, and uses a combination of GSM & GPS to detect and report your location and stats.

    You can purchase the XDrive unit from , and you can download the iPhone app for free from the app store. The app has a demo mode which allows you to see 2 vehicles in action, and allows you to get an idea of how it all fits together.

    So far, I am very impressed with how the whole system works, and I am looking forward to seeing how it all shapes up over the next couple of months.

    3 replies on “XDrive & Mix Mobile”

    I work for MiX Telematics, although not directly on the XDrive project, and have had a unit in my car for ages. As the only person that drives the car, I mainly use it for viewing history of trips. It’s also handy for looking up coordinates that I can use to add ge-locations to photographs I’ve taken.

    The units really come into their own when you have other people driving your car or if you have units in stalled in family member’s cars. Nice to know where your teen aged kids are and know if they aren’t driving within the parameters you’d like. And when you take your car in for service or repairs you can monitor just what the workshop staff are up to. We’ve caught workshops doing things they shouldn’t on several occasions.

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