
Facebook iPhone app 3.1 – updated with Push notifications

They chaps at Facebook have updated the Facebook iPhone app, which now includes 2 really cool features.

The first, and probably their most requested feature, is Push notifications,  which will alert you when someone writes on your wall or posts a comment on a photo. There are a couple of notifications which you can choose to have Push notifications delivered for. These can be turned on or off under the Facebook app in your Settings

Push notifications

As you  can see the options are pretty flexible in allowing you to choose which notifications you want to receive.

The 2nd new feature allows you to sync your contact images from Facebook to your contacts on your phone. This is a really cool feature that updates the images used for photos in your contacts with their Facebook profile pic. It also adds a link to the contact of their Facebook profile, which opens directly on the app.

Mobile Photo 06 Jan 2010 23 33 54

The only “downfall” of this is that the apps uploads your contact names to FB to sync. This isn’t too much a biggie for me, but if you heavily security conscious it may be an issue for you :)

All in all the app seems to have improved quite a bit speed wise, and I’m looking forward to the see what else Facebook has up their sleeve in the next update

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