On The Marc

On The Marc – My new weekly column

A couple of weeks ago, the team from a local weekly newspaper in Durban & Ballito, called The Bugle, called me and asked if I would be interested in writing a weekly column for them on various topics, including blogging, tech, fatherhood amongst others.

I have to admit, it sounded a bit daunting at first, but after some convincing from a couple of people I took the plunge and dived in. I had to come up with a name for the column, and thanks to Twitter, I called it “On the Marc”.

Last week Wed was my first column, which was really just an introduction to who I am, and what I do. I will be posting my weekly columns up here on a Wednsday, and if you happen to be in KZN, and pick up a copy of The Bugle, be sure to point me out to everyone around you :) (Jus kiddin)

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on the column, and if you have any suggestions on what I should be writing about, please feel free to leave a comment below, or drop me an email.

Here is last week’s column. I will be posting this week’s a bit later today.

Well, this is a leap. A couple of days ago, I was a blogger, and today I’m writing my first column in The Bugle. A blogger I hear you ask ? Whats a blogger ?
I’m that geeky guy sitting behind my computer all day, putting my thoughts onto my little home in cyberspace. Not really, it’s really not as bad as it sounds.

In 2004, I decided to take the plunge, and signed up for my first blog, which was called DurbzBlog. It was a foray into putting my personal thoughts down onto “paper” and sharing information with my readers I had found on the Internet. Initially there was a bit of commitment phobia from my side, but soon enough, I got the hang of it. In 2007, I decided to register my own domain,, which has been my blogging home ever since.

Since then, things have grown in leaps and bounds, and today my blog is ranked in the top 20 blogs in South Africa, and is also the number 1 ranked personal blog in KZN, according to the African blog aggregator, Afrigator. My blog is mainly technology focused with a lot of the focus being on the iPhone and iPhone apps. I also write about KZN lifestyle and try and focus on being Proudly South African.

I am a proud Ballito resident, and have 3 gorgeous kids, and a gorgeous wife, Lesley. When I am not being Mr Blogger, I enjoy spending time with my friends and family and watching the odd Bulls rugby game.
Through this column, I am looking forward to sharing my experiences on the Internet, and am going to try and share some of the great things I find out there.

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8 replies on “On The Marc – My new weekly column”

Well I’m very impressed with everything Ive read. This column has got me very keen to follow all your topics. iPhone apps, lifestyle & general things. I’m sure everyone enjoys reading different opinions and likes to follow up on what’s new and what’s been happening. Let’s do a column on how we met. The interest 99.9 percent of people have on how we met will be a great topic. Maybe cutting into your personal life a bit, but it’s individual people with day to day differences that are actually all the same. The BIG & SMALL feelings about gym. Impacting stress, change of life, and change of health. Marc Forrest. My first client. Just an idea. No need to publish it. If you not keen. Just thought about it. And it’s inconjunction with what I do to peoples lives and thought you could share that with the world. Might have got the plot very wrong, but if not, enjoy! Publish away! 
Kind Regards and many thanks for the interesting web site and exciting new column. 
P.s- rumour of a new 4G iPhone in 2-3months??? True???

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