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Nigerian football team pull out of Ballito Hotel

It seems as if there is a bit of drama unfolding in the Nigerian football team less than 6 weeks before the World Cup.

The Nigerian press seem rather unhappy with the Football association choice of the Hampshire Hotel in Ballito.

Originally a Nigerian newspaper called NEXT sent some of their journalists to South Africa to check out the hotel, and were unhappy, citing the new hotels lack of gym and swimming pool as reasons not to stay there. After a couple more investigations, Nigeria then sent their sports minister, Ibrahim Isah Bio, to South Africa, along with the coach to see the hotel for themselves.

And now, it looks like the whole deal has fallen through and the Nigerians will be staying in a hotel in Richards Bay, almost 2 hours from the closest regional airport. The team have also apparently been fined $125,000 for breach of contract. But, thats not all. The school, Ashton College, where the team were supposed to train, have re-laid their soccer pitch, at a huge cost, and put up 6 rather expensive looking floodlights.

Although it doesn’t seem like all of this has been 100% confirmed, it looks like Nigeria may have a tougher campaign ahead of them, given the amount of travelling they will be doing during the World Cup

One reply on “Nigerian football team pull out of Ballito Hotel”

Ashton College should sue the the turf contractor/sportsfield contractor…. far as I can gather the work was sub standard. Richards Bay presented a world class pitch on a shoestring budget. Impressive pitch was laid by Grass for Africa

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