
I got an iPad !!!

After a couple of weeks of intense secretive & mysterious hints from my wife, last night I arrived home to a huge surprise. A great friend and a person who I regard as my mentor came over for supper out out place. On arrival they gave me a plastic packet which I quickly opened, and to my total shock and amazment, opened an iPad !!!

I have been “lusting” after one of these for a while now and every time a friend is in the States, I beg them to look for one. But due to the fact that Apple probably have the best marketing strategy in the world, they have sold over 3 million iPads in just 80 days, so the chances of finding one was null to slim.

So after hours of playing last night, and this morning, I am still in awe, and cannot wait to check it out properly. I have loaded a couple of apps on already, which I will defitnely review here soon :)Any suggestions of apps, please leave a comment below.

Get ready for a couple of iPad posts in the not to distant future :)

9 replies on “I got an iPad !!!”

You are one lucky rascal! Although – that said – you do deserve it. :-)

@Peter My wife is awesome !! But I didn’t get it from her. Got it as a gift from a mate, but she was in on the whole thing :)

No ways!!! Soooo unfair dude!!! I’m going to Aus in September and am hoping to buy one when I’m there :)
Have a friend at work who has one – great apps to try: IMDB / Dropbox / Evernote / Twitterrific / Reeder (not free)
Just my 2c ;)

I was fortunate to have someone bring me an iPad 64 GB Wi-Fi 3G from the States last week. What a revelation! I’m smitten to say the least. Pity I forgot to ask the person to also bring me $200 iTunes vouchers as they’re a bit pricey from the estores in SA!

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