After my thoughts floating around my head post earlier in the week, I got loads of great feedback, asking for more posts like this. So I decided I am going to try and do 1 or 2 a week to keep up with these crazy thoughts. I have decided to give these posts a name as well, On The Marc :)
- I finally got my new iPhone 3Gs. Yay ! Big up to Santam who came to the party after I jumped up and down. I feel like my 3rd arm has been restored. Also a big thanks to the T4A organisers who sent out a tweet offering a reward for my lost phone. No such luck though. *sigh*
- I often get asked why there aren’t any Games on the South African iTunes store. The reason is pretty simple. It is called the Film & Publications act. The act requires that every single DVD & computer games need to be reviwed and classified to ensure they are not harmful to children. This amendment to the law was passed in 1996 and published in the goverment gazette. Even more of a reason to get yourself a US iTunes Account
- Check out this cool site I came across. It is called OneDayOnly, and offers you 1 product a day at a hugely reduced price. So yesterday they had a pair of Glider Sunglasses which were R430 and you could get them for a measly R149. Check it out and add it to your favorites.
- The #FailWhale has finally been removed from Ballito beach. Yay. No more smell. But get this. The only way it could be done was for a dredging machine (pic) that came onto the beach and then “broke” the whale into pieces and dumped it on the beach. Then a TLB (pic) came along, and picked up the blubber, and dumped it into big skips, which were then taken away and presumably going to be burnt or buried. A mate of mine from Germany, who was here on holiday, took a video. Will def get it and upload it. On Monday when I went down there, there were guys cutting pieces of meat off the whale, which apparently is being used by the sangomas. I really hope they didn’t go home for a toasted Whale & cheese. Somebody would have been very very sick. :)Check out the gallery of pictures on News24.
- Another question I often get asked by iPhone fans is how to get the pics from your iPhone onto your Computer. If you use a Mac, follow this very simple step by step guide. If you use Windows, sorry for you, you should get a prompt that allows you to explore the pictures in file explorer and copy them from the iPhone, when you plug the iPhone into your computer.
- During Tech4Africa, one of the talks I attended was one by Joe Stump, who is the CTO of SimpleGeo. One of the iPhone apps he mentioned in his talk was called MyTown (iTunes Link). MyTown apparently gets more checkins per day than Foursquare, and is hugely popular overseas. The app is a geo location game, and is a cross between Foursquare/Gowalla & Monopoly. Basically once you “checkin” to a place, you can put it, and earn income and rent from it. I downloaded it ysterday, and it is loads of fun. Def adds a fun factor to checking in.
- Check out this very kiff new site from some of the Geeky Girls up in Jozi – Need to send my wifee the link :) The site is a whole bunch of the geeky girls who review all the latest and greatest gadgets. Nice one ladies (and @za5)
- This strike thing is pissing me off. Yesterday we got an SMS from our daughters school to say we need to fetch them immediately. The school is a private school and the striking workers, from other public schools in the area, were protesting and intimidating the private school teachers. WTF !!! I honestly do not understand the mentality of some people.
- Oh ja, if you haven’t already. Do yourself a favour and tune into 2Oceansvibe Radio. It is awesome. I listen on my iPhone at work, and its crystal clear. The music they play is also really cool. Do it !
And that’s a wrap. Have a lakka weekend. I know mine is going to be resting and maybe a beer or 2 at Luyt Brewery in Ballito
5 replies on “On The Marc – 20 Aug”
I’m surprised to hear that getting games onto the SA iTunes has to go via the Film & Publications act.
Did you hear this from local iPhone app developers or Apple themselves?
I asked because I’m not that games on the Android store go through the Film & Publications review committee. I’m assuming this so I could be wrong.
Heard it from one of the developers who contacted Apple about no Games category on the SA App store. Many of the developers get around it by publishing in the entertainment category. As far as I know, all computer games need to have a rating which is determined by the act.
Oh, very very interesting. I also assume that this only applies to games that are sold, from my fuzzy memory I think the act only applied to films and games that get sold, so if you offer a free app/game on the app store you might get around this :)
Ah..good idea. Wonder if that will work ? But Apple still won’t have a games category on the SA App store, so they would still need to be published in the entertainment category.