
Mac OS App Store Launches

Apple today announced the latest addition to their “app family” the Mac App Store. The store allows you to download apps for your Mac or Macbook in the same way you would for the iPhone or iPad. This means, apps are now easier to download & update.

Personally, I think this is a HUGE game changer in the way we work and use Mac’s. Now, when a new software package is released, it is available instantly. No longer do we have to scout the Apple shop or Incredible Correction for the latest software, and pay hugely inflated prices.

The app store is linked to your iTunes account, and uses the same billing details. This means, that if you have a US iTunes account, you will have access to most of the apps. From what I can see, the SA store will not have as big a selection. Also you won’t be able to get things like games etc in the SA Store. Be sure to top up your US iTunes account with some iTunes vouchers from the guys at iTunesUSA or EvoPoints with some credit, and go buy some cool new apps :)

To get the app store on your Mac, you need to do a check for software update. This will install the update and a new icon will appear next to your Finder icon. We will also be profiling some of the apps from the app store here from time to time.

10 replies on “Mac OS App Store Launches”

Yet again, the lack of a games category is pretty ridiculous. I can download a game from a browser and install it, or from STEAM, yet I can’t from the Apple Store.
Anyone know the reason for the insanity ???

The main reason is that all games in South Africa legally have to go through the film & publications board. This means all games need to be approved and given a rating before they can be sold. Bit silly actually if you ask me

Quite cleaver to push it as an OSX update.

The usual culprits are still topping the store apps like Rovio’s Angry birds or firemint’s Flight Control.

I am quite excited, I think for developers it is a superb platform, and for buyers it helps deciding amongst many apps that do the same the best one!

But how do Steam, Google chrome store, Playstation network, Xbox live etc etc etc , function legally in South Africa, selling games ?
Why is it only the Apple store that is a problem ?

The lack of a games category on the app store is entirely Apple’s doing and has nothing to do with South African legislation.

1) Apple does not do business in South Africa and has no registered company on the cipro database. It is not bound by SA laws. That’s the same reason you can by from Steam and there is not a thing the Film and Publications Board can do about it.

2) The New Zealand Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993 No 94 and the SA Films and Publications Act 1996 No 65 have almost the exact same requirements for content rating, mandatory classification and labeling and exemption requirements.In fact I believe the SA Act was modelled on the NZ Act. The New Zealand app store has a games category.

3) If Apple wanted a games category and was a registered SA company, section 22 of the Act provides for a simple exemption process for distributors of video games, intended for those distributors who do their own classification. I havent checked but I am sure Microsoft for one has such an exemption. For big corporations costs of such regulatory compliance are just part of the costs of doing business.

4) In terms of the Act every website which offers video content or flash games is covered and would be required to be classified. It’s clearly a ridiculous piece of legislation that is completely unenforceable. The lack of any serious enforcement provisions around classification in the Act suggests to me that everyone knew that when the latest amendments were promulgated.

Hi Andy,
Thanks for the comment, and clarification. Interesting to see Apples approach then. We can only wonder why ?

Much appreciated :)

What makes it even more unbelievable is that our neighbor Botswana has a games category and we don’t ……

I think the problem with SA App Store has more to do with Core – The Sole Apple distributer than Apple. Seems they told Apple the market in ZA is very small, if you read what MPieters (twitter) have exchanged with Apple international about Core.

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