iPhone iPhoneography

Shaun Lavagna iPhoneography Showcase

There are still a couple more iPhoneography showcases to come, and there is some really exciting news I should be sharing later today/tomorrow about these posts. There is a bigger picture, promise ;)

Today Shaun Lavanga from Cape Town shares some of his iPhoneography gems with us. I would highly suggest taking a look at his instgram stream, this guy is talented !!!

Name: Shaun Lavagna


Twitter: @shaun_just

Instagram: @shaun_just


What are your 5 “must-have” apps in your iPhone camera bag ?

Only 5 huh… that’s a tuff one I guess they will have to be

(1) Pudding camera app (Free)
With its many different types of camera’s and spools to choose from, each with a different functionality, this app has replaced the standard camera app for me. Unfortunately the pudding camera app has been written in what I can only figure out as being Chinese, but regardless it’s easy to navigate through and it’s free.

(2) Slow Shutter Cam ($0.99)
Must be the most frustrating camera app out there, because with the slightest of nudges you can ruin your photo, but with the correct amount of patients and skill you will end up with fantastic results. Great way to show off movement trails, ghosting and also light trails from moving vehicles.

(3) Dynamic Light ($0.99)
Will turn all your standard photos into HDR ones using it’s many lighting filters an just give a new look to you photo with all it’s different fx.

(4) picfx ($1.99)
A great app for any iPhoneographer, with its filters you can change a boring old sunset into a something out of a space opera.

(5) ProCamera ($2.99)
Even though I don’t use it as a camera app anymore it has album & studio feature which you can import your photos for your library and edit them there with its many fx options.

How many camera apps do you have on your iPhone ?

Kind of embarrassed to say because when it comes to this I’m sort of an app freak. I have 14 camera apps and 16 photo editor apps, I really don’t won’t anybody to tell me how much money I’ve spent on just camera apps alone.

How did you get into iPhoneography ?

I have always been looking of a way of taking the everyday spontaneous photo, the photo that you will only ever get one chance at taking. So when I got my iPhone I stopped having those I wish I had a camera with me moments, as all my cameras are way too big to carry around with me. Then came the obstacle of where can I share my photos, I tried posting them on facebook and twitter but no one really took and interest as most of your friends and followers don’t share the same interest in photography. So when I found Instagram I just jumped at the chance to post my photos and I am just amazed at the response I’ve got, and the amount I’ve seen and learnt from my fellow iger’s it is really unbelievable. There are some really brilliant photographers/iPhoneographers on there and hopefully one day I will be able to make the popular list with them.

What’s your favourite subject to shoot iPhone ?

looking at my Instagram account you probably thinking the #sunset… but really that’s just me sitting in traffic in the mornings and evenings looking at the world around me seeing what I can take a picture of today. I mean don’t get me wrong I the sun plays a large role in most of my photos, I finds it adds depth an can drastically change the mood of any photo especially when it comes to black & white. But mostly I like sitting around a busy area like a shopping centre taking photos of people carrying out their everyday lives, I find the slowshutter app comes in handy here. One day I’m hoping that the many hours waited chasing birds around the garden will pay off and give me my perfect photo, when one eventually decides to fly into the camera frame.

Your top 5 favourite iPhone shots ?

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