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iTunesUSA/iEverything gets a little makeover

The guys over at iTunesUSA/iEverything, which I told you about a while back, recently relaunched their brand new store.

The site offers instant delivery of iTunes vouchers to your email address, which you can redeem in the US iTunes store. The best thing about the site, for me, is it is offers an Instant EFT option, through PayFast, which allows you to log into your internet banking (no matter what bank), and instantly transfer your cash across to get your voucher delivered to you. You can also buy Ukash vouchers at any Pick ‘n Pay and can use those on the site as well.

I have been chatting to the guys at iEverything for a while now, and they really love what they do. Often I get queries about their service through my site, and I can forward it to them anytime of the day, and they sort the issue out ASAP. Their service is superb. The biggest gripe I have heard about the site is that they always seemed to be out of stock, but after having a coffee with one of the owners the other day, they seem to have sorted this out with a new supplier & should have stock more often.

If you looking for iTunes vouchers, give them a try. I can honestly vouch for them.

P.S. I was NOT asked or payed to write this. The links to the site are however affiliate links, which help contribute to site costs



One reply on “iTunesUSA/iEverything gets a little makeover”

Hey Marc. I’m a big fan of your site. Thank you for the posts regarding getting an American iTunes account. i had a though which I’d like to share – one of those ‘use-it-don’t-use-it’ things.

There are now several posts on this site about opening the iTunes account, so my suggestion is the following: collate the most recent, and therefore your recommended route, information in one post or PDF and then set that as the page that opens when someone clicks the big button at the top right of your site (the one with the US flag). A step-by-step guide basically but with all the correct information.

The reason i mention this is because one could make the mistake of just reading one of your posts but then missing another relevant one (such as using a valid US address).

As i said, just a thought.


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