You may recall last year, I was fortunate to attend the innugral Tech4Africa conference in Jozi. I walked away on the Friday feeling inspired and motvitated to help grow the tech space in South Africa.
It’s been over a year now since I walked out those doors, and I can honestly say that I have achieved some of my motivations. My inspiration to blog more, and start more side projects has has definitely worked, with a few new thing already done, like the iPhoneography Exhibition, as well as some other things that I have done & am still working on in the pipeline.
The conference takes place this year on the 27th & 28th of October, at the Forum in Bryanston (awesome venue)
I am really going to try and make a plan to attend this year, and hopefully if all goes according to plan I should be there. There are some great speakers lined up including Josh Spear, who will be talking at the main keynote, talking about Social Media in Africa, which is a very relevant topic at the moment with the growth we seeing. The other keynote speaker is Herman Chinery-Hesse who will be talking about innovation & technology in Africa. Herman is a software engineer by profession & 19 years ago he co-founded the SOFTtribe limited, one of the leading software houses in West Africa. I am also very keen to check out all the Mobile Talks as these are going to be NB in the next couple of years. There are some fantastic Mobile talks lined up as well.
All in all, I reckon the Tech4Africa conference is gonna be well worth it, so I highly suggest getting your ticket now, before they all run out ;) Check out the Tech4Africa website for all the info & to register
2 replies on “Get your tickets for Tech4Africa NOW !”
So is the blog your attempt at getting a free ticket again this year?
Really Marc you are above this if this is what this blog is trying to achieve, just get your company to pay for you to go. Private property is well funded.
Hey James.
Thanks for the comment. Yip, my company would more than likely pay, in fact have already offered, but this is sharing my enthusiasm about the conference. I attended last year and would probably attend this year. This is not about a free ticket, just sharing with my readers about the conference.