Apple iPad iPhone

How to easily clear RAM on your iOS Device

I posted this awesome iOS tip the other day on Twitter, and didn’t realise until this morning that I had been featured on Gizmodo & Cult Of Mac where they wrote about it!! Ha

The process is pretty simple as above. Firstly make sure your iPhone is unlocked and then hold down the power button as if you were turning off the phone. Instead of the usual “slide to power off” swipe to turn it off, hold down the Home button for around 5 seconds. You should see the phone go straight back to your applications screen.

A few people have asked about the benefit, and from my understanding it clears the unused RAM on the phone. I have done a number of tests to see if it works and I can promise it helps speed the phone up, a LOT!

Here is an example of a before and after screenshot of the RAM usage on my iPhone 6 Plus.

BEFOREFullSizeRender (1)


FullSizeRender (2)

As you can see a considerable difference! And it def does work!!