
Garmin Nüvi 200

Been the gadget freak that I am, earlier this week, I felt like a bit of me spoil time, so I decided to splash out on something I have been wanting for a while. I went and bought the Garmin Nüvi 200 from Autostyle. Although I got the Nokia E50 earlier this year, which came […]


Smoking IS bad for you. This guy shows us !

For those of you who know me personally, know that I detest smoking. Its just gross. I came across this brilliant video today, that shows you exactly what smoking does to you and your lungs, after just 1. Its really gross. Click on the picture above or click here to see the video.


I’m the biggest loser

At the beginning of June this year, I decided to take a trip to the Doc’s office to do a normal checkup. Apart from the fact that I knew I was overweight, drank way to much beer on the weekends, hardly did any exercise, and ate McDonald’s for lunch a couple of days a month, […]


Vox Telecom buys Storm Telecom

I have been working for storm for the last 8 years. It’s a long time. I have also been through many changes since I started working for Club Internet back in 1999. Eventually Club Internet was sold to ITI, which was eventually liquidated. At that stage 2 British Guys, Tim Parsonson & Tim Wyatt-Gunning, who […]