
Blog Me Up Zemanta

Source: WikipediaI came across a great new plugin for Firefox, on Techcrunch, called Zemanta. Zemanta is a content suggestion engine for your blog, and suggests relevant links, pictures, related content and tags using an internally developed semantic analysis engine. It really is simple to use. Download the plugin from Zemanta, and start writing a blogpost, […]


New Year = New Look

I decided that it was time for a new look. 2008 is going to be a great year, and I have already had some good chats with a couple of guys about some exciting projects ahead. I searched around the net, and while there are loads of themes out there, I came across a brilliant […]


Local WordPress themes rock

When I started setting up this wordpress blog, I was went through hundreds of potential themes. I tried a couple of out, and none of them seemed to work with what I had in mind. That was until, I came across a theme by a local South African boy, Adii. The theme is easy to […]